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Showing posts from 2017

2017:Some Dreams came True

Everybody is saying goodbye to 2017 and is all set  to welcome 2018 in his/her on own way. That is really the beauty of this world that everyone has different thoughts, ideas ,moments, interests to cherish and flourish. In this vast world and social media I too entered in it 8 years ago for sharing simple thoughts and personal experiences .The year 2017 was not much different for me from previous years and went peacefully as far as health, Family and job fronts  are concerned. But some special moments came to my way in 2017 which I am sharing here:- Moments of joy:- 1-A pic with padam Shree Dr Satish Kumar (director NIT KKR). 2- first air trip of my life to Bengaluru. 3- An opportunity of pic with Mr Anil chhikara and Harinder Salwan. 4-Dinner with Satish Pandey ,shridhar & Amyansu dev. Emotional moments:- 1-Meeting with Mr Satish Pandey after 29 years and" Jhappy(hugs)" of Munna Bhai MBBS type given by him which made my eyes wet and left my tongue  tied to spe...

Christmas message

वह ईद  पर भी खुश होता है ,वह गुरु नानक जयंती पर भी कुछ होता है ,वह दीवाली पर भी खुश होता है और वह क्रिसमस पर भी खुश होता है  क्योंकि वह कर्मचारी है हर छुट्टी पर खुश होता है These lines are part of a joke running on WhatsApp but it attracted my thought, being an employee, I understand well the meaning and importance of leaves and to spend sometime with one's near and dear out of professional life but without family and friend leaves have no meaning. Today is a big day as it is Christmas of 2017 and a holiday. Here is something about Christmas : Everybody knows that Christmas is celebrated as  the birthday of the apostle of peace  "TheJesus" .Though there is no proof that Jesus was born on this date. Church leaders likely chose this date to coincide with pagan festivals held on or around winter  solistice. The Santa Clause also originated in a newspaper ad far from being a quaint mediaeval legend, Santa clause first appeared as a recognisable entity in a news...

One beautiful page of the first Air Journey

It has been 2 weeks to my journey from Jaipur to Bengaluru but recalling it gives nice feelings that I dedicated to me visionary father . I boarded an Indigo  flight bound to Bangalore at 9 hours on 2nd December 2017 as it was my first air journey, there were so many questions in my head . I heard all safety instructions given by crew members and followed as per my understanding. Finally plane took off and  everything was nice. I was on aisle seat. On going to normal height of plane which is approximately 30000 to 35000 feet  for Indigo ,I started to study the instruction manual placed in the pocket of my seat/ table  .I had done it within 15 minutes and then I read another magazine ,this was there showing attiquettes of air journey with so many ads .Etiquettes which attracted me were" lean but don't be mean", "  cover the bin after putting your luggage", one more was" buy a lapel pin and help women organisation". it took me 3/4 of an hour  to read thi...

Wow Bangaluru

Satish Sridhar ,Amy and me Eating Dosa Yummy Yummy Satish stopped  nerves hugging hugging Sridhar scanned my heart looking looking Amy made my day funny funny Thank you all you made trip loving loving Today is time to say goodbye, For visiting you all again n again Bengaluru City is  hi tech With so much to learn n sketch Thanks Bengaluru Thanks friends You are  wonderous You are  wonderous.

GAME 2017 आओ दोस्तो बेंगलुरु

आओ दोस्तों बेंगलुरु, रेक की यादें ताजा करें,  3 दिसंबर पार्क प्लाजा, रेकनिटका गुलशन बनाएं,  कुछ नए पुराने किस्से सुनें ,सुनाएं और गुनगुनाएं।  कुछ कपिल कप्तानी की,कुछ चेतन की बोलिंग की,              कुछ पहलवानी सुशील कुमार की ,                                  कुछ कुश्ती योगेश्वर दत्त, साक्षी मलिक की,                         कुछ शूटिंग गगन नारंग की ,                                             उस पर तड़का मानुषी के सौंदर्य ताज का ,                 आओ दोस्तों बेंगलुरु यह नजारा करें, गेम के आगाज का ।   चावल ,राजमा छोड़कर ,घी डोसा भी आजमाएं,                   रा...

Taste of cold & cough

Cold n cough,cold n cough, You are very tough, very tough. You caught me on 16th November, Amid  cold and thick smog cover. You first made sore throat, Then made nose very  tight. In the night you robed my rest, That led to lose  sleep the best. You  made me recall  for milk with haldi of grandma,  sleep was still away from me, i recalled tulsi kwath of mama. This passed  the night with some relief , Next morning nose started ,i recalled wife's advice, Warm salty water gurggles were used to as next choice. This again gave some relief but as sun started sliding, Cold n cough again started riding . Amid this i  called my daughter , She advised to go to a doctor. Doctor gave antibiotics n advised rest, O my cold n cough what a taste. You made me  recall  four generations , You are great   for those nice reasons. Lack of sleep led introspection in night, That made my thought about me alright. This inspired ...

The Kaner Plant

There is one " kaner plant " in my residencial  premises which is away from other decorative plants. so I often  ignored it from watering in a regular manner. As  automn drove in the plant lost its leaves and flowers but I did not take care due to somewhat automn period in my life too. Therefore a large number  of ants and Cockroaches have made holes in the base of the plant and weakened  it to gloomy state.   I thought that it is a natural phenomenon which occurs with every living being considering the" Shloka of Srimad Bhagavad Gita "अहम सर्वस्य प्रभवो मत्त: सर्वं प्रवर्तत्ते"means all material and lives are by me and all verbs are also by me and everything happens at its time and as per fate.      15 days before a Vidhi came to my mind and I started reconsidering about the state of the  "kaner plant". The Vidhi suggested me to water the kaner and  at first time on dated 27th of October I watered the plant ,and i saw thous...

Jasnathi Jagran& Agni nritya(fire dance)

Yesterday night I had an opportunity to view the Jagran of the "Siddh Guru Jasnath Ji Maharaj" the Great thinker and social reformer " of the rural community of the desert region of Rajasthan .I got this opportunity at the village  Badriya in sardarshahar tehsil and by luck I had to hear Sh.Kishan Nathji ,a great and legendary singer of Jasnathi sampradaya from village Binadesar and i also have given company to singer team  by playing "manjira instrument" by myself and amazed the  crowd.This was very enjoyable event indeed . Guru Jasnathji arrived on earth in a  time when there was shortage of water, greenery and livestock in the desert region of rajasthan. The desert situation of  that time was expressed by Kabir Ji as under:- बागड़ देश लूवन का घर है। जहां जिनी जाई दाझन का डर है।। सब जग देखी कोई न धीरा। परस धुरि सिर कहत अबीरा।। न तहा़ं सरवर न तहां पाणी। न तहां साधु सतगुरु वाणी ।।  The life standard of Kisan community at that time was very diffic...

एक नादानी जिसने दीवाली खास बनाई

दोस्तों बात उस समय की है जब मेरे पिताजी ऊंट से शहर जाया करते थे और सामान लाया करते थे। खेती किसानी में दिवाली का समय व्यस्ततम समय होता है। इसलिए प्राय: पिताजी दीपावली का सामान 10 दिन पहले ही ले आया करते थे उस सामान में वह मेरे लिए छोटे-छोटे पटाखों के पैकेट लाया करते थे। मैं बड़ी बेसब्री से 10 दिन तक इनके चलाने का इंतजार करता रहता था हालांकि मुझे पटाखे चलाने से डर लगता था, इसलिए पिताजी अपने हाथ में मेरा हाथ पकड़ कर पटाखे चलवाते थे ।मेरे पिताजी अपने समय के मशहूर अग्नि नर्तक रह चुके हैं और आग से खेलना इनका एक शौक था ।अब वह 78 साल के है और इस साल जून में उनके आंखों का मोतियाबिंद का ऑपरेशन करवाया था ।इसलिए यह दिवाली ऑपरेशन के बाद पहली दिवाली थी।       दीपावली के दिन ऑफिस के स्टाफ के लोग पटाखों के तिल्ली लगा कर दूर भाग - भाग कर पटाखे चलते हुए उन्हे जलते देख रहे थे ।यह देख कर मेरे अंदर पुराने दिनों की नादानी फिर से प्रवेश कर गई और साथ ही मन ही मन पिताजी को उनका प्रिय शौक दिखाने का विचार आया ।अतः मैंने हाथ से पकड़ कर पटाखे चलाए इससे अचंभित होकर दिनेश शर्मा ने वीडियो ब...

इस दीवाली इक दीप जलाएं

इस दीवाली इक दीप जलाएं, जो लक्ष्मी का विकास करे दीप की ज्योति ऐसी हो, जो भ्रूण लिंग जांच का नाश करे, लक्ष्मी जब दुनिया में आए चहुं और उल्लास भरे।  बेटी पराया धन है ऐसा वह कभी ना सुने , उसके आगमन पर भी थाली बजे और मंगल हो , उसकी मां भी जलवा पूजे और पीला धारण करे। इस दिवाली इक  दीप जलाएं ,जो लक्ष्मी का विकास करे।। जब स्कूल जाने की बात हो ,उसको भी तवज्जो मिले,  उसकी इच्छा अनुसार उसे भी स्कूल जाने का अधिकार मिले । समाज , गरीबी के बहाने उसके अवसर कभी ना छीने,  अगर गरीबी बाधा हो तो भी सामूहिक विवाह एक अवसर चुनें। पर बाल विवाह एक अभिशाप है कभी ना कोई इसे चुने ।। ना कोई इस में भागीदार बनें,  ना कोई कच्ची ना कोई पक्की शादी का बहाना चुनें। बस सिर्फ और सिर्फ लक्ष्मी  विकास ही पैमाना बने,  बाल विवाह है बस अत्याचार, इसे ना कोई स्वीकार करे।  इस दिवाली एक दीप जलाएं, जो लक्ष्मी का विकास करे।। बाल विवाह रूपी दुशासन , करवाता है नाबालिग पत्नी से रेप,  सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने इसी बालिका सप्ताह , जिसे दिया है पछाड़  । धारा 375  के ए...

Diwali :Why not without crackers ?

This post  is inspired by a tweet by Mr. Shashi Tharoor MP on 11th Oct.17 which was "Bakr-Id sacrifices hurt only goats,Muharram mourners flagellate themselves, but Diwali firecrackers affect celebrants and non-revellers alike". This tweet is in the wake of supreme courts decision banning sale of firecrackers on Diwali this year in the Delhi,hoping to prevent the usual spike in toxic air pollution levels.On the ocassion of Diwali tons of thousands of firecrackers are burnt in Delhi. Last year this left the city sheeted in toxic smog that forced the closure of schools,power sub-stations and construction sites.The increase in airborne pollution level upto 29 times higher than world health organisation standards led the supreme court to ban the sale of firecrackers. A study in 2015 found that about half of the Delhi's 4.4 million children had compromised their lung capacity and would never totally recover. Therefore it is necessary to keep away from all activities giving ri...

Modern relationship & karwa chauth

In modern Times conformity to gender specific roles is being rejected in favour of a more individual approach. Modern men and women don't want to be pigeon holed into one type of role instead both sexes possess personal ambitions and aspirations for the future ,seeking successful careers and personal fulfillment ,freedom and satisfaction from life .However this has led to a whole set of challenges for contemporary couples. At the heart of most relationship problems nowadays is unclear expectations and contradictory roles and goals between partners .Modern couples are plagued with a whole set of problems- where to live if each partners job is in different locations? separate or joint bank accounts? kids and family or pursue a full time career? who will do the cooking ? and even ,where the holiday if partners have different interests and hobbies ? Just a mere 50 or 60 years ago roles in relationship were much more clear-cut .Two people knew what to expect from a relationship when t...

Ship of desert :Pride & Plight

Pushkar fair(Pushkar Mela) is here again and it is an annual 5 day camel and livestock fair held in the town Pushkar of Rajasthan state .it is celebrated for 5 days from the Karthik Ekadashi to Karthik Purnima( the full moon day )the 15th day of Karthik in Hindu calendar .This is among the world's largest cattle  fairs .This year it is organised from 25th 4th Nov. But any fair or festival of Rajasthan is incomplete without a camel .In Pushkar fair too camels rule the roost. The camels are washed spanky clean and adorned with various clothes  to form interesting patterns .Silver  bells and bangles around the hoofs Jingle when they walk past the golden sand dunes . Another striking features of the Pushkar fair is camel competition , beautifully decorated Camels parade while competing in a beauty contest and the best bedecked camel wins the prize. More camel competition includes in  which a camel accommodates maximum number of people on its back wins the c...

RECK की यादें,दोस्तों को समर्पित

अगस्त 84 एडमिशन ,रैगिंग हुई भरपूर,  अभिमन्यु भवन तीर्थ  था ,आस्था थी भरपूर।  खिचाई तो बहाना था ,नई दोस्ती का तराना था,  कुछ पहेलियों के बाद ,खोका एक ठिकाना था । भट्टू ,रंगा ,पिंटू ,निझावन ,मलिक ,राठी , सांगवान और शौकीन इतने रोज पके थे, रॉकी ,छिकारा ,राठी ,लूम्बा भी  अक्सर मौजूद होतेथे । मेस में जिस दिन फ्रूट क्रीम होती थी,  उस दिन हमें इनविटेशन पक्की थी। वह डोंगा भर -  भर फ्रूट क्रीम मंगवाना, फिर ठूंस ठूंस के खिलाना बहुत कुछ अनजाना था, अब लगता है वह हकीकत थी या कोई फसाना था ।। उधर होस्टल 4 के वीरेश भावरा, मिश्रा, आनंद मोहन सरीखे दोस्त भी बहुमूल्य थे , इनकी राय हमारे लिए डूंगर से ऊंचे अजूबे थे। दो-तीन महीने बाद हमने अपना होश संभाला,  महेश ,प्रदीप ,विनोद और कानोडिया का संग पाला ।  फर्स्ट सेमेस्टर में स्मिथी शॉप मे डिटेंशन आला   ।। हमें वो दिन याद हैं जब नाहल, नवनीत,विशु  शॉप वालों से ही जॉब करवाने मे माहिर थे , तभी से हमें लगा ये दोस्ती के बहुत काबिल  थे ।  थर्ड सेम  में आकाश दीवान की ड्राइंग खूब भ...

Switching over to e-vehicles in india

Switching over to  electric vehicles in India is an intense need  to show its commitment towards environmental sustainability . The following are the reasons for shifting  1-India is a signatory to Paris climate agreement and India is obliged to bring down emission by 2030 of its share.  2-many of its big cities are among world's highly polluted cities  and an Ex-CJI of India has already Shown his strong annoyance to pollution due to problem of breathing in New Delhi and use of masks by students a few years back. 3- India imports 82% of its oil requirements .According to oil ministry it will be upto 85 billion dollars  this financial year , which needs an alternative to fossil fuel . This required the government to roll out national policy for electric vehicles .There is a need for formation of standards and specifications for the vehicles & also there should be a clarity over the rules regarding manufacturing and subsidies for their batteries if co...

Famous cultural fests of Thar Desert

The Navratra started on 21st September this year and with this started the movement of  tramp travellers   and I am always awakened by the DJ sound moving along the Salasar Balaji devotees.Salasar dham is a place of religious importance for the devotees of  Lord Hanuman. A big fair is  organised here on Ashvin Purnima which attracts devotees from Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan .it is now considered as a  Shakti sthal ( place of power). The idol of Balaji is here different from other idols of Lord Hanuman . The Salasar dham is situated in my home district Churu.This today inspired me to write something on   cultural festivals of the desrt (Thar desert) of rajasthan.The desert mainly dominated by the earstwhile princely states of marwar and bagad desh (bikaner).The region is full of colour and culture  in spite of all odds for survival ,like shortage of drinking water and lack of greenery.   The strength of this land which attracts peo...

Diu:Self Reliance in Solar Energy

Diu: Self Reliance in Solar Energy    Diu is a small district in the union territory of daman & diu. Being beautiful district in UT filled with greenary, beaches and forts etc it is often a place of tourism discussion.The diu fort is a very beautiful palace to visit.       But what recently  attracted my attention was a news of diu's self reliance in solar energy. It is a very inspiring news for the persons and companies working in solar power sector. The total area of diu district is appox 40 sq.kms and there is a restriction for only to use 40 percent of it in infrastructure use and rest is forests,bird sanctuaries and sea area. Diu is an island in arabian sea and has a population of appx 50 thousand with litracy rate of over 83 percent.           Inspite of less availability of land for solar plants the govt decided to install two solar plants on 50 acres area and  succeeded in 10.5 MW po...

The last letter 1999

The contents i am going to post was scheduled by me to be posted on hindi day but due to unavoidable circumstances could not bring on 14th.         I have received hundreds of personal letters from early primary to college education period. Those who wrote me regularly were Dr Bhatia,Dr. Bidawat,Adv. Sidh and rest were greetings  on special occasions.The trend of receiving letters stopped with completion of my education &  start of job in early nineties and easy availability of phone calls. But the feelings of reading a letter is alive even today.           Then in the June 1999 , i received the last letter which was a special one because  both the despatcher and receipient didn't know the address of each other but they felt always close to each other since 1985. This happened when i was posted in bikaner district at dungargarh when Mr Bishnoi ( the then my boss ) incidentally visited to...

Launch of bullet train project

   In a  vast country like india where  a very young and skilled manpower is available and people are highly techno friendly & there is a high frequent mobility of people to work in metro/ industrial locations ,there should always be a space for new technology access. Today india should welcome this project apart from thinking that which country is in win-win position .         Being a vast engineering project including 1.1 lac crore estimated cost and 5 to 6 year project period, it may take some time extension resulting in  additional cost due to some problems in acquisition in land, construction of new stations in urban areas in two states along 508kms route.         Other apprehensions are about the fare which is @ ₹6500/- per hour in japan at present but govt may give subsidy on it for some time and after that some indeginous version may be devised of bullet train.   ...

2nd Death Anniversary :Humble Smarananjali

This day is most difficult for me to face because I have lost everything in a sudden which I piled up in  previous 25 years . But  any way every person has his/her destiny in its own way and every person who comes, brings   a return ticket with him/her. What is precious is the way we spend the time in this world. To some we don't see worth in their life time but others are fondly remembered even after their eternal journey and their ideals continue to guide for  long long years.       Your  straight forward ,simple and pious character was an epitome of grace and your family devotion is an inspiration for carrying on the life journey for us. You are always with us.       Today what I am posting in pious rememberence of you, if  would have been  seen by you, then  you might have certainly chuckled and would have termed it false praise. But it is not like that I am in full sense .you are worthy ...

Jags Birthday: Occasion for man ki baat

JAGS BIRTHDAY  : Occasion of Man ki Baat A very-very happy birthday to you Jags. Stay blessed always.your birthday gift  is the "Memories of Reckers84".Mohan has nothing more precious than it.It is like worship of Ganges,the holy river of india,by ganges water. Jags you are a role model and synonym of reck memories for me always. I don't know why may be because of promotion of reck cultural activities through quizs, arranging other cultural activities including Tambola, coordial nature or may be due to being a binding force in forming "Reckers84" group and running over years. I beg a pardon to Mr Partho who has also been a good supporting power to you in running that group. It may seem inappropriate blur to some of my friends to see what i am going to say below but as the occasion is the beautiful day of synonym of Reck memories so emotions are high on rise so let me say. All these are my personal opinions so i would like to humbly request to those all who do ...

Jai : sambhav demando to commando

Jai : Sambhav to Demando & Commando i have been reading a lot of thoughtful and mature and sensible posts on facebook since last november from one of my friend Mr. Jai Kaushik , Tehsildar Sardarshahar. I came in contact with him 3 years ago for land allotment for a new 132KV GSS, Bhanipura , the project got done last year . Then for change of title of land in respect of RRVPNL from earlier RSEB for 132 KV GSS, Sardarshahar and then for land allotment for proposed 220KV GSS, Sardarshahar. During this I came to see his working and dealing with public and got very much influenced. He always have a positive approach towards the problems of individuals , staff and officers of other departments. To other officers his views are very clear and constructive and result oriented. He never had the approach of " Sarkari Kaam ha , kar denge sahab". He is a very young officer and at Sardarshahar was i think his second posting but he is a person with " old head on you...