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Jags Birthday: Occasion for man ki baat

JAGS BIRTHDAY  : Occasion of Man ki Baat

A very-very happy birthday to you Jags. Stay blessed always.your birthday gift  is the "Memories of Reckers84".Mohan has nothing more precious than it.It is like worship of Ganges,the holy river of india,by ganges water.
Jags you are a role model and synonym of reck memories for me always. I don't know why may be because of promotion of reck cultural activities through quizs, arranging other cultural activities including Tambola, coordial nature or may be due to being a binding force in forming "Reckers84" group and running over years. I beg a pardon to Mr Partho who has also been a good supporting power to you in running that group. It may seem inappropriate blur to some of my friends to see what i am going to say below but as the occasion is the beautiful day of synonym of Reck memories so emotions are high on rise so let me say. All these are my personal opinions so i would like to humbly request to those all who do not like it :-
1- Today is birthday of Sunil Kharit also. Big big birthday congratulations Sunil . Stay blessed.
2- I fondly remember my biggest supporter and my tutorial guru who taught me how to answer in Reck semester exams and by his advice i could score more than 70 percent marks in higher semesters. He was the only recker who invited me in his marriage also. Yes, he is 24/84, Mr Pradeep Sharma .The Reck Raj team is tasteless without you dear.
3- The persons who most surprised me by career are Mr Sanjeev Sharma,Alok Mehta & Sanjay Kansal who chose Advocacy,Politics & Finance as their career respectively. Big salute to them.
4-The simplicity ,coordiality and easy availabity of Bhuvnesh Kumar is an example of high degree inspite of being a top rank bureaucrat.I am all humble to simplicity & coordiality of Yudhi also.His heart is vast like "Panipat ka Maidan".
5- Meeting to Mr Rajesh Arya at PHQ Jaipur last year is priceless and ever lasting jewel in my treasure of memories.
6- The person who surprised me most in his academic career is Dr Sultan Sultan Singh Dahiya.He is also a thorough gentleman from thought and wit in my view.
7-I have never been in conversation with girls but Jyoti Sarin Ohri is most academic achiever from our batch that too without change of pleasing nature intact.
8-The music friendly , pleasing presence and presence of mind of Vishwajit Singh always refreshing for me. Music saanso me ghula ha.
9- Among the next generation reports till today Arash Dilbhagi is my star. I bless him from depth of my heart.
10- I wish to shake hands with Jags and to hug Mr Partho,Kharit and Yudhi as and when time permits it.
  Finally i like to conclude with special thanks to Mr. Sachin Arora,Rajesh agarwal & Akash Dewan for their continuous support and appreciation. I am indebted to all reckers who are my founders.Things are a lot more to say but nowadays time is of small reading so for some other day.
Thanks & Have a nice sunday.


  1. Sidh bhai, tumne Sidh Kar Diya ki tum vakiye me Sidh ho!

  2. One should always learn from time Mr Dilbaghi. thx for your appreciation.


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