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Modern relationship & karwa chauth

In modern Times conformity to gender specific roles is being rejected in favour of a more individual approach. Modern men and women don't want to be pigeon holed into one type of role instead both sexes possess personal ambitions and aspirations for the future ,seeking successful careers and personal fulfillment ,freedom and satisfaction from life .However this has led to a whole set of challenges for contemporary couples. At the heart of most relationship problems nowadays is unclear expectations and contradictory roles and goals between partners .Modern couples are plagued with a whole set of problems- where to live if each partners job is in different locations? separate or joint bank accounts? kids and family or pursue a full time career? who will do the cooking ? and even ,where the holiday if partners have different interests and hobbies ?
Just a mere 50 or 60 years ago roles in relationship were much more clear-cut .Two people knew what to expect from a relationship when they come together. Men's chief duties dealt with issues outside the home while women covered the responsibilities pertaining to the home .Therefore ,no matter where you grew up or what your parents were like, across board, marriage conveyed certain principles for both men and women. Conformity to rules may have been limiting but they still provided some guidelines and shared expectations.
 The modern couples, if they can find a way to  communicate   their needs openly and clearly  to each other, can establish a fulfilling relationship on a scale that has never been seen before. While in old  times couples required cooking ,cleaning and provider skills, today's couples require  communication skills .A willingness to talk about everything ,understanding each others values ,beliefs and point of view is the key to today's happy couples. In past times people had to adjust  into the ideals of a relationship set by the society, while  today we have luxury of adjusting our relationship to fit us.
In such situations karwa chauth(falling on tommorrow i.e. 8th Oct this year) may be a good occassion to respect the expectations and hobbies of each other for a lovely couple.The basic theme of karwa chauth is to observe a fast from sunrise to moonrise for safety and longevity of husband.The Karwa Chauth falls on the fourth day after full moon in the Hindu lunisolar calendar month of Karthik .This day serves as a reminder of the eternal bond between husband and wife.It is a good occasion for showing  love and respect for a daughter-in-law by   her mother-in-law by preparing and offering Sargi to her. Sargi is a pre-dawn meal prepared by mother-in-law for her daughter-in-law.Sargi may include juicy and fibrous fruits to stay full for longer and stay may also include some sweets and dry fruits as well.
It is a good occasion for women, who newly got married and left their own village or town to live with their husbands, to be friend in their new environment through the community activities of performing group puja, painting Henna to each other's hands etc.
  It also gives the chance for modern women to dress up classical indian wears and to recall the way of life their grandparents lived and to remind hindu lunisolar calender .
  But the scope of the festival  has to be changed from only fast for husband to fast for each other in the present time .It is a most beautiful festival .
        Scientifically too the "fast" is the best medicine (लंघनमं परम् औषधम् )for detoxification of the human body,so do observe fast and stay healthy.
 Wish all the couples safety and longevity .


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