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Jasnathi Jagran& Agni nritya(fire dance)

Yesterday night I had an opportunity to view the Jagran of the "Siddh Guru Jasnath Ji Maharaj" the Great thinker and social reformer " of the rural community of the desert region of Rajasthan .I got this opportunity at the village  Badriya in sardarshahar tehsil and by luck I had to hear Sh.Kishan Nathji ,a great and legendary singer of Jasnathi sampradaya from village Binadesar and i also have given company to singer team  by playing "manjira instrument" by myself and amazed the  crowd.This was very enjoyable event indeed .
Guru Jasnathji arrived on earth in a  time when there was shortage of water, greenery and livestock in the desert region of rajasthan.
The desert situation of  that time was expressed by Kabir Ji as under:-
बागड़ देश लूवन का घर है।
जहां जिनी जाई दाझन का डर है।।
सब जग देखी कोई न धीरा।
परस धुरि सिर कहत अबीरा।।
न तहा़ं सरवर न तहां पाणी।
न तहां साधु सतगुरु वाणी ।।
 The life standard of Kisan community at that time was very difficult and without social values. In  such a situation in the village Katariyasar in Bikaner district of Rajasthan a child took birth in the house of the then chief (Chaudhary ) of katriyasar Shri Hamirji  Jyani (Jat) in the year1539 of vikram samvat on the  shukla ekadashi of kartik month and the child was named as Jaswant .When Jaswant got the age of 12 he left the house and became" balyogi "who later on became famous in the name of Guru Jasnathji and done Tapasya for 12 years and during the 12 years of "Tapasya "he preached the 36 rules for a sacred  social life to Kisan community especially jats and for those who followed his teachings he created a  Sampradaya and named it at Siddh Sampardaya .Those who adopted the 36 sacred rules in their life style to live  in a pious manner were later named as siddh.At the age 24 years on the day of Ashwin shukla saptami in vikram samvat 1563 ,Jasnathji maharaj took jivit samadhi and left the world to his own at the pious place katriyasar and therefore the shukla saptami of Ashwin is the most pious day for jagran of siddh Guru Jasnathji and katriyasar is the supreme sacred place to siddhas.
      Siddhs have a very high moral standard of life style and there are more than 100 siddhs who took "Jivit samadhis (self sacrifice of life) for religious values. This is the only example i have heard ever of Jivit samadhis by followers of any sampradaya for religious standards and that is why they were called siddh.Then in the vikram samvat 1736 in the month of jyeshtha , the then Delhi Badshah Aurangzeb angry with the reports  of use of enormous ghee by Jasnathis during the "Agni yagya/Agni puja" in the jagran of Guru Jasnathji  summoned siddhs for  taking the  test of siddhi of siddhs. He asked them to show some siddhi  otherwise threatened to kill all of them and change their religion.
      In such a situation maharaj Rushtamji of Alsar gaddi in Ratangarh area led the delhi delegation of siddhs to show siddhi to Aurangzeb in Delhi and Rushtamji and his team shown Badshah the fire dance (Agni Nritya) on devastating fire as their siddhi. The Aurangzeb became  pleased with siddhi of siddhs and gifted certain previledges to siddhs.
          There after  Agni Naritya (Fire dance) is the unique feature in the Jagran of Guru Jasnathji.The teachings of Guru Jasnathji are sung in the Jagran in a unique style which is difficult to understand by common crowd but very melodious in sound. The basic music instruments used in the jagran are Nagada(form of drum),jhalar,manjira and shankh.


  1. Bhai, you are turning up as seasoned blogger.

  2. It is all result best well wisher's like you. Anyway thanks i will always try to improve.

  3. Agree with Dilbagi. Seems that you have done good research of the community. Keep writing....


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