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Diwali :Why not without crackers ?

This post  is inspired by a tweet by Mr. Shashi Tharoor MP on 11th Oct.17 which was "Bakr-Id sacrifices hurt only goats,Muharram mourners flagellate themselves, but Diwali firecrackers affect celebrants and non-revellers alike".
This tweet is in the wake of supreme courts decision banning sale of firecrackers on Diwali this year in the Delhi,hoping to prevent the usual spike in toxic air pollution levels.On the ocassion of Diwali tons of thousands of firecrackers are burnt in Delhi. Last year this left the city sheeted in toxic smog that forced the closure of schools,power sub-stations and construction sites.The increase in airborne pollution level upto 29 times higher than world health organisation standards led the supreme court to ban the sale of firecrackers. A study in 2015 found that about half of the Delhi's 4.4 million children had compromised their lung capacity and would never totally recover. Therefore it is necessary to keep away from all activities giving rise to damage  the environment.Though it did not get overwhelming support from majority and no any comment on whatsapp groups came in support of banning firecrackers sale. I expected whatsapp messages floating in abundance like that supporting boycott of chinese goods. But any way i think it is the need of hour to celebrate Diwali without firecracker for our better health and peace.
     I am expressing my concerns from my wit ,thought and study on this matter and humbly bringing for general awareness for Diwali celebration in healthy environment.
          Diwali is called as festival of lights. It is very widely celebrated festival in India. Usually Diwali festival falls between October-November of Gregorian calendar. It has been celebrated from ancient time as mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharata mythologies.
Diwali Celebration (from Darkness to Light).It is celebrated by cleaning and decorating homes, visiting relatives and exchanging gifts, Sweets etc. It is believed that Buying gold in Diwali is a good sign. Many people do pooja in these days in their homes. Roads and homes are lighted /decorated by oil lamps and festive lights.
And most importantly fireworks are set off by children for celebrations. The commonly used types of fireworks in celebrations are Rockets, Roman Candles, Sparkles, and Wheels etc.
Effects of Fireworks on Environment (from light to darkness).
On this auspicious occasion unknowingly harmful gases and toxic substances released to environment by bursting fireworks such as Barium, Cadmium, Sodium, Mercury, Nitrate and Nitrite. These are called as Air pollutants. Also RSPM level goes high as small particles emitted by bursting of fireworks. RSPM means Respirable Suspended Particulate Material. Also need of electricity goes high in this period. To overcome shortage of electricity majorly electricity is  generated by using diesel, Coal etc. that also causes air pollution.
               Bursting of fireworks not only causes air pollution but also Noise pollution. Also because of happiest festival many people use loudspeakers, loud musical instruments and advertisements that causes noise pollution. Level of noise level can go beyond 125 dB which is as loud as Military jet aircraft take-off, whereas government limits Noise level at 55dB in daytime and 45dB at night for residential area. These type of noises are very harmful for new-born babies.
               With happiness it also brings Dry waste like papers, plastics, firework covers. Massive amount of non-degradable dry waste generated in Diwali celebration. It causes Soil pollution as less space is available for dumping ground in major cities.
                   In these five days Fireworks are handled by kids and due to their poisonous nature many children fall ill. Poisonous gases may cause fever, Skin irritation, vomiting, Effects of Fireworks on lungs, insomnia, heart, asthma and bronchitis. Also many children face accidents due to mishandling of fireworks and it causes burning, cutting.
Loud noise of fireworks causes Temporary deafness, permanent Eardrum rupture, trauma and hypertension.
Other effects of Fireworks
Also these fireworks made by people and children are exposed to poisonous metals like lead, mercury, Nitrate and Nitrite. Due to this they face health issues and die in early stage of their lives. Also due to high demand of fireworks small kids are also work for 12 hrs in a day for fireworks companies before Diwali.In this way we are unknowingly promoting child labour.

The pets like dogs,cows are very much scared of firecracker's noise.The dog which has four times more sensitive to sound is very much scared of sounds of crackers and its agony is beyond our thought.

Therefore ,We should think twice before buying fireworks in Diwali. Is this the only way to celebrate Diwali? Instead of spending too much on fireworks and considering effects of fireworks on health and environment we can buy gifts, books, gadgets or cloths which are less harmful for nature as compared to firecrackers.

           Safe & Happy Diwali


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