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One beautiful page of the first Air Journey

It has been 2 weeks to my journey from Jaipur to Bengaluru but recalling it gives nice feelings that I dedicated to me visionary father . I boarded an Indigo  flight bound to Bangalore at 9 hours on 2nd December 2017 as it was my first air journey, there were so many questions in my head . I heard all safety instructions given by crew members and followed as per my understanding. Finally plane took off and  everything was nice. I was on aisle seat. On going to normal height of plane which is approximately 30000 to 35000 feet  for Indigo ,I started to study the instruction manual placed in the pocket of my seat/ table  .I had done it within 15 minutes and then I read another magazine ,this was there showing attiquettes of air journey with so many ads .Etiquettes which attracted me were" lean but don't be mean", "  cover the bin after putting your luggage", one more was" buy a lapel pin and help women organisation". it took me 3/4 of an hour  to read this .Then I was looking here and there for what to do next ,in this process one co-passenger on aisle seat in my row attracted my attention. she was having a very good smile sense than even that of  the air hostess. I looked at her for borrowing a magazine from her as she was having two magazines. she welcome me with a wide smile and I requested for  a magazine to borrow for passing the time. she said sorry, i am having written notes in these. I said ok and again burried myself into the already read stuff available at my seat. Looking to my curiosity in study, she offered me one magazine. This magazine had everything from space , environment ,literature and culture in it. I read it throughout the journey and before 10 minutes of landing, she examined about what I learnt from the magazine .I said nothing more but because of your magazine I have been able to know the difference between "clothes and dress" and second thing I have been able to learn is  that " bats are  mammals and not the  birds". she giggled  and gifted that magazine to me but I  insisted for returning but she did not accept it . Instead of that she has told me that how books make friends to unknown persons and told me what are the advantages  of books ,some of which seemed impressive  to me e.g. with the book if you don't like a place or the people you visit you can move on by shutting your book, you can visit magical lands filled with ogres and goblings or volcanoes or rocky terrains without the fear of getting hurt. you can also even encounter a murderer  who will let you go without a scratch on your body. So read books she said.
She was a beautiful and intellingent personality with a wider smile as I remember. she also given me the tip how and when to come out of plane after landing of the plane.
   It is not the point that we meet someone special or ordinary, the point is that our life or our journey is beautiful by  our co- passengers and not by the means of travel /journey. Important is the Impressions left by our co - travellers  on our memories. As the journey started in such a beautiful way so all things went very fine during next 5 days.
Specially Hotel accommodation was good and its staff was very homely to me and next day I had the honour of having a pic with padamshree Satish kumar (Director NITK), pics with Mr Harinder Salwan and Anil chhikara (the great persons at heart & flying souls). Also I have been invited twice on  the stage , first time for funny introduction and next time for reading my promotional poem on Game- 2017.
It was really a very  big big event for me .I had also seen one Movie by reck director and reck heroes and visited the heroes.
There is a lot more to say about the sight-seeing at Bengaluru and Hospitality offered  by Mr Satish Pandey,Sridhar and Amy but i will write on that on some another day.

     Front page of the magazine


  1. Wow.. excellent. Great read it is.

  2. Thx sachin you are always my source of inspiration.

  3. By your writings we are beginning to feel situations!


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श्री भीमनाथजी सिद्ध‌ एक संस्था थे

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