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2017:Some Dreams came True

Everybody is saying goodbye to 2017 and is all set  to welcome 2018 in his/her on own way. That is really the beauty of this world that everyone has different thoughts, ideas ,moments, interests to cherish and flourish. In this vast world and social media I too entered in it 8 years ago for sharing simple thoughts and personal experiences .The year 2017 was not much different for me from previous years and went peacefully as far as health, Family and job fronts  are concerned. But some special moments came to my way in 2017 which I am sharing here:-
Moments of joy:-
1-A pic with padam Shree Dr Satish Kumar (director NIT KKR).
2- first air trip of my life to Bengaluru.
3- An opportunity of pic with Mr Anil chhikara and Harinder Salwan.
4-Dinner with Satish Pandey ,shridhar & Amyansu dev.
Emotional moments:-
1-Meeting with Mr Satish Pandey after 29 years and" Jhappy(hugs)" of Munna Bhai MBBS type given by him which made my eyes wet and left my tongue  tied to speak words. This was the most sentimental moment of my life.
2-The retirement party of Mr D R Mahiya, principal of government PG College sardarshar, on 31st of January 2017 was also very emotional moment for me as he always remain the source of motivation throughout my student life . His simplicity of behaviour ,inspiration to students and love for pets was unique. He is regularly taking care of pet animals even at this age of 60 and his life is an example of simplicity ,good health and inspiration for future. As a professor he  used to teach physics but he is a good farmer by heart.
The example of his  good health I have seen on 31st of January 2017 is very interesting. I liked to gift him a wrist watch on this retirement so I carried the survey for wrist watch in market but I was unable to find a wrist watch having a strap of the size of wrist of Mr D R Mahiya's .Therefore, I simply stuck wrist watch to his wrist but could not tie that. May he enjoy such health upto century.
Memorable visits to friends:-
1-Meeting with Mr Mahesh Garg in February 2017 on the day of Mahashivratri at his residence at  Faridabad.
2-Meeting with Mr Vijay Gemini (Executive Engineer)during an inspection of "conductor" given opportunity to  learn a lot technically as well as socially. it gave the feeling of being up to date as an engineer with him.
Presence at Cultural event :-
On 5th November 2017 got an opportunity to view and enjoy company of singer team(Gayabis   of jasnathi jagran). This was an occasion when I
first time played manjira and understood the beauty and deepness of Jasnathi shabads.
Sources of  inspiration of 2017:-
1-Writings and social media interaction of
Mr. Narayan Bareth (BBC Hindi correspondent at Jaipur) on current affairs and other issues .Luckily he always responds to my comments on his posts inspite his busy journalism.
2-Formation of movie Padmavati on the novel of Mr Balakrishnan Karkara(supreme court advocate ) .It is wonderful that despite being from   a background of defence & at 80, he has a great understanding of writing and a big treasure of writings to his credit.
Wonderful stories read in 2017:-
"Homage" and" heir donation" were the most sensible and touching stories. showing  the  unique devotion of a painter to his passion and depiction of Supreme sacrifice by a begger woman respectively.
Young friend who influenced:-
Mr Siddharth Nawal "a budding pilot " has been a young of my dreams in 2017 .
He is a good person at heart and has a mind par excellence of his age.
Sad momeries of 2017:-
1-Passing away of Mr HS Pannu(1981-86 batch &XEn JVVNL) a good officer, close associate and a good friend in March 2017. It is a big personal loss to me at Jaipur.
2-Passing away of Durgi Buaa ,a statue of patience, devoted housewife and a man by her agriculture contribution in transportation,tree trimming, bushes chopping and in other all ag field works.
She had a great devotion to her duties and i never heard a gossip from her throughout her life of 58 . But anyway life is sweet and sour. One should be ready to accept as it comes.

Expectations from the year 2018 & onwards:-
The expectations from 2018 or onwards are to meet some day Mr. Narayan Bareth,Mr Rajeev Nijhawan,Mr Nilesh Jain and Hon'ble Shashi Tharoor.
With Regards to all and best wishes to all for 2018.


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