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2nd Death Anniversary :Humble Smarananjali

This day is most difficult for me to face because I have lost everything in a sudden which I piled up in  previous 25 years . But  any way every person has his/her destiny in its own way and every person who comes,brings  a return ticket with him/her. What is precious is the way we spend the time in this world. To some we don't see worth in their life time but others are fondly remembered even after their eternal journey and their ideals continue to guide for  long long years.
      Your  straight forward ,simple and pious character was an epitome of grace and your family devotion is an inspiration for carrying on the life journey for us. You are always with us.
      Today what I am posting in pious rememberence of you, if  would have been  seen by you, then  you might have certainly chuckled and would have termed it false praise. But it is not like that I am in full sense .you are worthy to remember ,worthy to accolade and your ideals are always worthy to follow and we are practicing them.
       But I could not refrain myself from remembering those tough days of first posting at  Loonkaransar (Bikaner)  in 1994-95 when children were very tiny and the Quarter was on NH-15 at 3 Km distance from town and there were all defence big "Tatras and Tanks " filled with military pesonnel all around in jungle and on the Road in days & nights in the sandy stormy areas always and my jurisdiction lines of IGNP(Kanwarsen Lift Canal) used to remain daily faulty and I used to travel 70 km in night for restoration of supply . You never complained for all that routine , instead stood firm with me sometimes even without proper ration. What a pity I think for a  person who always lived with a family of 20 on parents side. But you never complained of any fear and always hated the terms like loneliness,laziness, shortage in all situations and managed all well. You were a true lioness. I salute your courage.
       Friends denounce me for writing on your personality with remarks that "you are a selfish person and don't let her rest in peace even after her  heavenly journey". But I feel grateful to you and can not stop myself from putting it in words. May you and my friends pardon me.
    I assure you that I can mould myself to every situation to conquer and  I am propely discharging the duty of my  office as well as of a single parent.
     A very humble and grateful smarananjali from your worldly husband  and pray almighty for peace of your soul.
I would like to dedicate these lines of popular song from film silsila which are always very close to my heart.
Ye pattiyon ki hai sarsaraahat ke tumne chupke se kuch kaha hai
Yeh sochta hoon main kab se gumsum
Ke jab ki mujhko bhi yeh khabar hai
Ke tum nahin ho, kahin nahin ho
Magar yeh dil hai ke keh raha hai
Ke tum yahin ho, yahin kahin ho

     Late Smt. Permeshwari Siddh


  1. Very touching. May God give you strength to continue your journey and fullfil worldly duties!

  2. Sidh bhai
    I am sorry to learn about her demise.
    May her soul rest I peace and may God give you strength and courage to fulfill her dreams with your children.

  3. May God give you strength. May her soul rest in peace. God bless you all.

  4. Great remembrance and a true Shradhanjali. May her soul rest in peace.

  5. Thx to all dear friends for moral support .

  6. Best regards for your lovely soulmate who's still with you in thoughts.


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