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My Teacher

Everyone of us might have had a good guidance and help from our teachers as per our goodwill and requirements . Mine may not be a unique one but for me this help was the milenstone in conveting a "Mohaniya into Mohan Nath".
Today's teachers day takes me back to the June 1979 when I had completed my 8th class and trying to appear in the " Rural talent search examination" for getting a scholarship. At that time in our state 3 students from each tehsil were being selected for a scholarship of Rs.1000/- per annum through the "Rural Talent Search Examination". I was the topper of my class and a needy student .My school headmaster Sh. RG Khandelwal filled my form for appearing in the examination before the summer vacations and he told me to come to his home and appear in the examination when the scheduled date once declared.
Finally the day approached and I went to Churu in the morning by bus which was the only conveyance once in the 24 hours at 9:00 Am from my village. I left in the morning for churu with a good sum of Rs.5- from which 90 paisa was the bus fare one side . This was the first time I was going to churu and was of the age 14 but a shy village boy in rural knidker and half kameej hand sewed by my revered mother and with a churma laddu for lunch but the examination was having four papers spanned for two days. So stay at churu was a big problem. My father did not had even a single contact at churu.
Anyway I reached churu at 10:30 AM and as per the assurance given by headmaster sahab i reached his home at RatanNagar ,a sub locality of churu, but by bad luck guruji were not at home. He was aways for two days as told by neighbours. I came back to churu bus stand where I found a boy appearing in the same exam from Tamba Kheri and we both went to "Bal Mandir school" for getting the time table. And it was known that our centre was "Govt Bagla Sr. Sec. Sch. Churu . Meanwhile in returning way back to bus stand this boy spoiled my one rupee in tea and bhujia. Now I was left with Rs.3.10 with me and no shelter for 2 days and 3 night. At that time I neither knew hotel facility nor was in a position to have it with Rs.3.10 in hand. I came back to bus stand in the hope that someone from our villages may come across and problem might be discussed with him.
I was feeling very sad as whole basis of my further study was at stake in this examination. My father already opted a full stop on my studies on grounds of poor financial position of family.
It was already around 7:00 PM at bus stand but I found none for help . As I many times mention in my writings " Cometh the hour cometh the man" and suddenly I traced Sh. Jamanadharji guruji, A stout man with cone shaped face who used to wear dhoti-kurta, tought us commerce and he was the first man I had seen bald headed in my childhood, and I reached to him and told my problem. He came to bus stand for seeing off his some relative. He patiently heard my problem and took me with him to his small house in a far flung" basti- called kalera bas "of churu . Reaching home he offered tea and took to public well for a bath. After coming back he took me to his friend Sh. Tulsi Ramji Prajapat's home . Tulsi Ramji had a big home with a separate visitors room. Anyway what I am trying to tell is that Jamanadharji not only helped me in his own capacity but took an obligation of his friend too for shaping the career of his student. Such was his love to his students.
I had taken the examination and qualified for the scholarship coming third at tehsil level and earned scholarship and getting scholarship my father agreed for further education as Rs. 1000/- was sufficient amount for my yearly expenses at secondary level at Ratangarh town.
In present time such help from a teacher beyond imagination in this economic and selfish times. I owe a lot to Sh. Jamanadharji.
Mai tahedil se unka abhari hu aur hamesha rahunga. Sadar Naman.

Some poetry for Teachers Day is hereunder :-
जिंदगी एक किताब है
पढ़ाने जिसको शिक्षक आते अनेक
मां,बहन, बीवी और बेटी जैसा
उनमें से होता ना एक
ममता,स्नेह,प्यार और आदर
देने में करती हैं ये अतिरेक
पर स्वाध्याय ही अंतिम विकल्प है
अगर करवाना है अभिषेक।।


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