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Akha Teej :Sweet &Sour

Traditionally Akha Teej is celebrated on third tithi(3rd lunar day) of the bright half of vaisakh month. Farmers celebrate it in rural area in a special way and they go to their fields early in the morning with seeds and water and at fields they perform a token ploughing and search for seeing a signal of happy future(Shagun) of coming khareef crop. It is believed that if they see a "son Chiri " at field on this day then the coming khareef crop will be in bumper quantity.
After that they return home with some Green Leaves from the field and put the Green Fields on their houses as an auspicious signal.
The food cooked on this day is called "Khichada" in local dialect which is made from multi grains, for example Bajara, moth, moong, wheat and gram and it is eaten with desi ghee and curry.Though the "Khichada " now has been a bygone era food but today I had a privilege to enjoy the "Khichada " made on hearth and enjoyed with home made cow ghee and curry made by my respected mother-in-law.
This day is considered as an auspicious day and different trends are practiced on this day across the country to bring good luck and prosperity .The day is also considered the most auspicious time for weddings and so many weddings are planned on this day. Largest number of weddings are performed on the day of Akha Teej in Different cities and villages of Rajasthan Rajasthan. Rajasthan government is still struggling with the problem of large number of child marriages in various cities and villages across the state.
This day is also celebrated as birthday of Lord Parshuram,the sixth incarnation of lord Vishnu.
The sad part associated with this day is the large number of child marriages .As per a research conducted by Young Leaves in coordination with National Commission for protections of child rights (NCPCR) has revealed that Rajasthan has recorded the highest number of child marriages.
The study based on the census of 2011 states that 2.5% of marriages of minor girls were reported in Rajasthan. Rajasthan also topped in the percentage( 4.69%)of boys marrying below the legal age of 21 year.
Child marriage is a social evil and is a violation of the fundamental right to a dignified life.It is also an offence under the prevention of child marriage act (PCMA).
The reason behind the child marriages is still I have observed closely is poverty and illiteracy.
The second biggest angle now has started playing big role is the shortage of marriageable girls i.e. the low male/female ratio and therefore the "exchange" of daughters trick has come into practice. Means give one take one or give two and take two. This is called( "Ata Sata /अटा-सटा locally) which is further encouraging this social evil.
So such vested interests keep the people silent about the issue of child marriage.
जे मिले खीच तो दस कोस काईं रो बीच


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