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"यंग बोयज" : एक पनोरमा

This group was created exactly 2 years ago on 18 aug.2018 with the name of "Reck Rational 84" and after some months its name was changed by Vishu as "Rational Reck 84" . But last year in Nov. its name was changed to " Young Boys Club एटी4" by an open survey within the group and only one titlur name was received from Atul Pant and adopted mutatis mutandis and I think it is the best befitting name looking to our activities .
The group is going good since last two years baring some squirmishes during 2019 general elections in May 2019 on one or two occasions. The basic aim of this group is maximum recreation through sharing of personal experiences, achievents, family achievements, songs, poems, shayaris, pics and small vedios etc. but with zero political discussion.
I am happy to say that during last two years this motto of group had been fully followed by the honourable members baring stray incidents of foul play by one or two and then going in hiding for some days( Banduk chhodkar agyatwas men chale jana).
This may be treated as another kind of recreation and not to be taken seriously untill repeated after caution after all habit is habit (Adat bhi koi cheese hoti ha). All friends are lovely and contributing a lot in the group. I whole heartedly appreciate for their share once again.
The major contributors so far during last two years with consistency are:-
1- Vishu in songs, gazhals and best girls pic collection section.
2- Anil Negi - Good wild stuff without searching for wildlife. Good god.
3- Vikas Duggal- all rounder and very consistent.
4- Sunil Kharit- Shayari ki duniya ka betaz badshah . One of his outstanding vedio with his wife is memorable . Which was on Eid this year with some footing note "Chand Mubark Ho".
5-Bhuvnesh - when it comes to puzzles, the bhuvnesh is the first. Sabki izat bacha leta ha. Some times good shayari, poems too. I remeber his teaching of difference between 13th and 14 th Feb with the help of a cracked pistachio😀.It took me to rang to vishu to understand meaning of what significance shows a cracked pistachio. And good discussion on the punjabi adage"Durr Fitten Munh Tere (April 2019).
6- Charlie - famous for direct sexual assault on me through his shares. Jab bhi aata ha , talakh tipani lata ha.
7- Kapil Kanodia & Vind Goyal - Tareef jam kar karte hain.
Rakesh Aghi- maximum sharer from abroad with a lot of knowledgeable articles.
8- Debu da- As usual a wanderer, good reader and consistent contributor.
9- Anurag Jagota- It is a time for me to inner analysis why his contribution is gradually goind down.
10- Jaspal - He is fit at every situation and shares to his maximum potential. He is the founder member of this group with the salogan " Jai Shri Ram" This salogan is reverberating in my ears even today.
11- Satish Pande- The well wisher of all. khuda ka nek banda aur mere jigar da tukda.
Except these all the honorable members share randomly very thoughtful and balanced information. I request them to increase their shares to make the group more interesting.
The best feature so far of this group has been the zoom meeting of 8th Aug 2020 which was a unique in nature and that shone our faces like suns even in the night .Hope such more Zoom meetings in future too.
A lot has been said about the group and its honourable members , it is now time for me the conclude with my poetic words about the panoramic view of the group. Hope you all will like it . I also beg a pardon if someone has different opinions from me about what I have read and perceived.
Bas ab ek kavita chipka deta hu 😀

"यंग बोयज " एक पनोरमा

रोज तरोताजा महसूस करते हैं
"यंग बॉयज" के संदेश पढ़कर

सब कुछ इतना तरोताजा
इसको देखे बिन दिन लगे अधूरा
खूबसूरत हसीनों की तस्वीरों से लेकर
गजल संगीत का इंतजाम पूरा

निकल जाते हैं बाहर सब उलझनों से
'चीयर्स 'की दो-चार तस्वीरें देखकर

एक तो सिर पर 'रेकर' का ताज
दूसरा दोस्तों के अल्फाज
भर देते हैं जीवन में
नित नए जीने के अंदाज

कभी खिल जाते हैं चेहरे
जूम पर एकसाथ रूबरू होकर

बाहर से हम बदल रहे हैं
लेकिन मन ने यह बात नहीं मानी है
छिपे हुए अरमानों ने
अभी तो भृकुटी तानी है

पीते रहते हैं इस उबाऊ जिंदगी के हर घूंट
एक खूबसूरत सप्ताह अंत की आस पर

P.S. : This group shares its birthday with great lyricist, poet, shayar and producer shri Gulzar sahab. Let us wish him a very happy birthday .
Here is a lovely sher from him for you.

यूँ तो बहुत से रास्ते हैं मुझ तक पहुँचने के

राह ए मुहब्बत से आओगे तो फ़ासला कम पड़ेगा....!! 💕
Birthday wishes: Gulzar 🌹


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