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Teachers day :A door to valuable memories.

On the last Shikshak Diwas I wrote about my first and favourite primary teacher shri H P Jangid who illuminated the lamp of education in me by his guidance and I could complete my primary education of 5th standard with a lot of practical knowledge about struggle to follow.
Today I am recalling the memories of our great headmaster of Government Middle School ,Nakrasar Shri Ram Gopal Sharma Sahab who was true architect of my life. He was slim and smart person of around 50 at that time i.e. during 1976 to 1979. A very soft spoken person and excellent teacher who never used to beat his students . He was a kind of teacher who helped his students with open heart and was not a tuition greedy teacher like that of today. When I look back in my life then I find the most valuable asset of "help and blessings" from my teachers. I would not have been where I am today, rather I might have been a Shepherd, because in rural area at that time the profession of a Shepherd along with agriculture was considered to be the safest and richest one. The sheeps and goats get doubled every year and at that time enough grazing fields were available for them.
I was removed from the school after the fifth class and was engaged in the agricultural work to assist my father, being the eldest among the siblings. Life was not so easy at that time because there was no source of drinking water and we used to drink open pond water collected from rain and stored throughout the year which due to long storage had fungus and green layer of dirt on its top which caused seasonal diseases like malaria, pilea etc. This source of water was approximately 4 km from my house. Therefore in a family which is based on agriculture and livestocks it was difficult to get education.
Similar problem was with me and my parents, therefore they removed me from school and engaged me in agriculture work . It was till 15th July 76 that I was unable to get admission to 6th class and therefore my friend Pratap requested School headmaster Shri Ram Gopal Sharma ji to persuade my father for my next study. Therefore one day he sent an invitation to my father for visiting the school to discuss my future study. He convinced my father that your son was intelligent and I would arrange books for him. you only have to arrange his fees of rupees 21 per year.
On the other hand my mother also requested my father for my admission and I assured my father that I will assist you in your work before going to school and after coming from school. Our field was on the way of the Nakrasar so this was the advantage for me.
My father an illiterate but a wise man agreed to the advice of Shri Ram Gopal Ji and let me to go school. Under the guidance of able teachers I topped in 6th ,7th and 8th class.
After 8th class shri Ram Gopal Sharma sahab opened my door for secondary education by suggesting and helping me to take" Rural talent scholarship examination". I appeared in the examination and by his blessings and guidance I stood 3rd at churu tehsil level. At that time only three students were selected from one tehsil for the scholarship of rupees 1000 per year and I happened to be  luckiest one among them.
This pleased my father and he became ready for my admission to Class 9th at Ratangarh town and I opted science maths subject as optional as per wish of shri Ram Gopal Sharmaji which proved a milestone in becoming an engineer later on.
Big big salute to Shri Ram Gopal Sharma Sahab on this teachers day.


  1. Teachers are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of individuals and society.


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