On 2nd and 3rd of this month I have been on practical examination duty in an examination conducted by NCVT. NCVT is an organisation established in 1956. The NCVT has been entrusted with the responsibilities of prescribing standards and curricula for craftsmen training, advising the Government of India on the overall policy and programmes, conducting All India Trade Tests and awarding National Trade Certificates.
In eighties there were only two ITI in Churu District. Today there are 9 ITI only in a small town of Sardarshahar in different trades. It clearly shows that the approach towards vocational courses has been increased .There were 50 students on first day and 54 on the second day in electrician trade. It gives me immense pleasure to mention that some ITI in private sector impart good vocational training to the students in different trades like electrician, diesel mechanic , draughtsman civil etc. Most of the students were seemed from rural background and interested to get vocational training for making a career in electricity sector within the India or abroad .As for as Rajasthan is concerned it has a great potential in the Solar electricity generation in its Thar Desert. It's Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Barmer and Bikaner districts are becoming super hub of solar electric generation . Today Rajasthan has 2.3 GW installed solar capacity and it is determined to increase it to 7GW in the next 4 years. There is a great demand of skilled electricians in these plants . The youths of today are very open minded or in other words you can say very professional .They are ready to go where ever the job opportunities are available to them. This is a very positive thought among the youth after the 90s.
The method of examination has changed very much in nature there is only 10%marks for writing in practical exam and 90% on practical activities and its Viva voce. The students of today are very straight forward .They don't hesitate to tell yes or no on their opinion. In today's examinations due importance is given to CCTV surveillance. This shows that how much space is essential for technology and it supercedes the human watch in our day to day activities.
Infrastructures of the ITI has also been very much improved. All the workshops have fans ,coolers ,good furniture even in the small towns. ITI have their own DG sets in the event of failure of electricity.
With the advance of Technology some bad things have also taken place e.g. it takes only minutes to know who is the examiner and his previous records.This is not desirable for a free and fair examination,but overall I can say that the chances for getting vocational trainings in different trades are available at Next Door of your village and that is the good thing for the youths who have the potential to acquire vocational knowledge and serve their families and it also creates availability of a great human resource for our country.
अगस्त 84 एडमिशन ,रैगिंग हुई भरपूर, अभिमन्यु भवन तीर्थ था ,आस्था थी भरपूर। खिचाई तो बहाना था ,नई दोस्ती का तराना था, कुछ पहेलियों के बाद ,खोका एक ठिकाना था । भट्टू ,रंगा ,पिंटू ,निझावन ,मलिक ,राठी , सांगवान और शौकीन इतने रोज पके थे, रॉकी ,छिकारा ,राठी ,लूम्बा भी अक्सर मौजूद होतेथे । मेस में जिस दिन फ्रूट क्रीम होती थी, उस दिन हमें इनविटेशन पक्की थी। वह डोंगा भर - भर फ्रूट क्रीम मंगवाना, फिर ठूंस ठूंस के खिलाना बहुत कुछ अनजाना था, अब लगता है वह हकीकत थी या कोई फसाना था ।। उधर होस्टल 4 के वीरेश भावरा, मिश्रा, आनंद मोहन सरीखे दोस्त भी बहुमूल्य थे , इनकी राय हमारे लिए डूंगर से ऊंचे अजूबे थे। दो-तीन महीने बाद हमने अपना होश संभाला, महेश ,प्रदीप ,विनोद और कानोडिया का संग पाला । फर्स्ट सेमेस्टर में स्मिथी शॉप मे डिटेंशन आला ।। हमें वो दिन याद हैं जब नाहल, नवनीत,विशु शॉप वालों से ही जॉब करवाने मे माहिर थे , तभी से हमें लगा ये दोस्ती के बहुत काबिल थे । थर्ड सेम में आकाश दीवान की ड्राइंग खूब भ...
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