Approximately one year before i.e. on 6th Sep 2017 our grand WhatsApp group RECKERS84 was abolished by its admin Mr Anurag Jagota due to increase of difference of opinions among its members .Consequently a new group was formed" Reckers84 Friends Forever" and I wrote a blog in pain of abolition of earlier " logic wins emotions lose."
During last one year I have seen that" Reckers84 friends forever" group was not only having difference of opinions but bitterness too. It was becoming difficult to express once thought freely and in natural way on any issue not suitable to a particular ideology. And it remimds me of the old Rajasthani adage on the formation of Reckers84 friends forever from Reckers84 as "आगा से पिछा भला,ना भला लेटूरा।।
Therefore I stopped to interact through the "Racker 84 friends forever" except sharing my blogs because some of my close friends and literature lovers demanded in so.
But recently on a normal blog" Kisan samasyen: harith guthi"some friends attacked me like hungry wolves. This led to further searching for an alternative to share on a different platform. That is why I have made a petty effort for conversation and sharing with like-minded friends within the Ambit of graceful conversation, what has been called in "Srimad Bhagavad Gita" as perseverance of voice.
There are three kinds of perseverances for humans that are of body ,mind and voice but voice is the most important among all of them when we interact in a group.
Therefore I expect from all my valuable friends to share everything but keep in mind the shloka number 15 of Adhyaya17 of Srimad Bhagavad Gita :-
अनुद्वेगकरं वाक्यं सत्यं प्रियहितं च यत्।
स्वाध्यायाभ्यसनं चैव वाड़्मयं तप उच्यते।
All the members are welcome to share interesting ideas relating to music, satire, cartoon, precious family moments, truth of life, latest developments in Sports ,politics,technology,in our almamater, culture ,literature et cetera et cetera.
At presents the members added are 26 , and will be increased gradually,one more than 10% of our batch strength showing democratic rule for recognition of 10% for proper opposition to prevailing setup.
With regards and hope for success and co-operation from all members.
Welcome to all and thanks.
अगस्त 84 एडमिशन ,रैगिंग हुई भरपूर, अभिमन्यु भवन तीर्थ था ,आस्था थी भरपूर। खिचाई तो बहाना था ,नई दोस्ती का तराना था, कुछ पहेलियों के बाद ,खोका एक ठिकाना था । भट्टू ,रंगा ,पिंटू ,निझावन ,मलिक ,राठी , सांगवान और शौकीन इतने रोज पके थे, रॉकी ,छिकारा ,राठी ,लूम्बा भी अक्सर मौजूद होतेथे । मेस में जिस दिन फ्रूट क्रीम होती थी, उस दिन हमें इनविटेशन पक्की थी। वह डोंगा भर - भर फ्रूट क्रीम मंगवाना, फिर ठूंस ठूंस के खिलाना बहुत कुछ अनजाना था, अब लगता है वह हकीकत थी या कोई फसाना था ।। उधर होस्टल 4 के वीरेश भावरा, मिश्रा, आनंद मोहन सरीखे दोस्त भी बहुमूल्य थे , इनकी राय हमारे लिए डूंगर से ऊंचे अजूबे थे। दो-तीन महीने बाद हमने अपना होश संभाला, महेश ,प्रदीप ,विनोद और कानोडिया का संग पाला । फर्स्ट सेमेस्टर में स्मिथी शॉप मे डिटेंशन आला ।। हमें वो दिन याद हैं जब नाहल, नवनीत,विशु शॉप वालों से ही जॉब करवाने मे माहिर थे , तभी से हमें लगा ये दोस्ती के बहुत काबिल थे । थर्ड सेम में आकाश दीवान की ड्राइंग खूब भ...
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