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Three Hugs

Today is valentine's day and on this occasion I want to share some of my memories about affectionate hugs of my life. Though I tender an apology in advance that I am not a celebrity but it is a common man's memories. If someone likes it, it is good otherwise you may treat it as a trash and forgive for wasting your time.
There are only three hugs which brought me in tears and I am sharing here:-
1- The first hug was in May 2010 from a person from my own village who hated me the most in my life and several times put me in trouble. The person was my grand father in far relationship. Who once tried me to sue me in a family land dispute also. Many times who blocked our farm's way. He had 6 sons , who were notorious and we were scared of them very much. He also wanted to stop my studies . Any way I completed my studies and married to his maternal cousin's daughter and my fate changed. He felt down then but still his ego could not let him bless me on happy occasions. But finally in May 2010 he was ill and I visited him at his house.Then he held me close and hugged me and started weeping loudly for his mis-deeds. That was the first time when I filled with tears and simutaneously I felt true winner in my life . Those were the winner's tears on a hug. I felt rewarded for my struggle from my arch hater.
2-The Second hug was given by Mr . Satish Pandey on 1st Dec.2017 at Bengaluru . It came when I was feeling very low and lonely after my life's toughest times and I got a chance to go to GAME 2017 . It was my first air journey too. At Bengaluru I got a magic hug from Satish and I could not stop my tears.Feeling this Satish again given a memorable hug(Jadui Jhappy- this time more close & tight) .With this my heart came to my eyes. This event has become a life time memory for me. This was a hug which taught me how precious is the bond of friendship with our own batchmates.I want to convey my hug to satish again through this post.
& 3- Third memorable hug was on 31-01-2018 when my inter college professor retired on that day from Govt. PG College sardarshahar as principal. Prof. D. Ram Mahiya was the person who gave me Rs. 2000 cash support/gift on my admission at RECK. Rs. 2000 was a huge amount in 1984 when my RECK admission fees including Ist Sem hostel fee was about Rs. 7000. The hug brought me in tears this day because I could give him a gift of wristwatch and a shawl after 33 years and felt proud of being his pupil.This was the true affection between a pupil and his teacher that brought eyes to rain of tears . He called me a "Purana Chawal " on that day. I still don't know meaning of it.
Sharing with you all with all my valentine's affection and regards.


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