I never heard of anyone boasting that he was a station engineer .There is nothing any dashing or swashbuckling about the life. He casts down or casts up whole columns first with a pen and then with cement and iron.
He plays nothing but tricks to save his skin in meetings and sings only "shayaris" when he is tense .
He marries sedately and after the first heat of youth. But he is a good fellow and a pleasant chap to live with and makes a happy woman of his wife. Unlike public servants ,he can not assert his dignity as an individual by a certain brusqueness of manner.
A little sycophancy will be necessary. he will ,for instance ,find it advisable to juggle adroitly with the weather. If a higher officer says, it is fine morning, why then it is fine morning, though the sullen thunder storms are piling up for a Niagara.
How agreeable a partner for the life must be the man, who is little asperities of character, have been so rubbed into smoothness by the continual practice of self -suppression. if the wife of such a man asserts that Loki is better than Karela ,does he harshly contradict it ? No; he imagines her a valuable technical advisor and then swallows the mis-statement.
These statements of mine may savour of flippancy; but nothing is further from my mind . Continually to simulate good nature is to become good- natured in the end, or at least to master the difficult art of simulating good nature.
Following this middle way of life a station engineer ends by becoming the best citizen in the world. he does not break the law. he pays his rates, and his motor licence. He even pays his income- tax to the uttermost farthing. He is honest to a fault ; fussily honest, his wife thinks.
The monotony of his work makes a station engineer, the young engineer, prone to attempt and to enjoy small jokes. some of them made possible by that very monotony. The engineer becomes fussy as he grows older especially at nights he strolls around, careworn, and thinks whether he had checked the pressure of SF6 of CB or not and then he rings to control room to check the same and report.
He always sleeps with one light to his bed- head burning to confirm the electricity availability.
Do i seem to laugh at my honourable profession of transmission ? No; I laugh sometimes at myself. In nightmare I see low SF6 pressures & lockouts of CBs and awake with sweating terror that I have at last forgotten to impart the instructions to check gas pressure of CBs.
अगस्त 84 एडमिशन ,रैगिंग हुई भरपूर, अभिमन्यु भवन तीर्थ था ,आस्था थी भरपूर। खिचाई तो बहाना था ,नई दोस्ती का तराना था, कुछ पहेलियों के बाद ,खोका एक ठिकाना था । भट्टू ,रंगा ,पिंटू ,निझावन ,मलिक ,राठी , सांगवान और शौकीन इतने रोज पके थे, रॉकी ,छिकारा ,राठी ,लूम्बा भी अक्सर मौजूद होतेथे । मेस में जिस दिन फ्रूट क्रीम होती थी, उस दिन हमें इनविटेशन पक्की थी। वह डोंगा भर - भर फ्रूट क्रीम मंगवाना, फिर ठूंस ठूंस के खिलाना बहुत कुछ अनजाना था, अब लगता है वह हकीकत थी या कोई फसाना था ।। उधर होस्टल 4 के वीरेश भावरा, मिश्रा, आनंद मोहन सरीखे दोस्त भी बहुमूल्य थे , इनकी राय हमारे लिए डूंगर से ऊंचे अजूबे थे। दो-तीन महीने बाद हमने अपना होश संभाला, महेश ,प्रदीप ,विनोद और कानोडिया का संग पाला । फर्स्ट सेमेस्टर में स्मिथी शॉप मे डिटेंशन आला ।। हमें वो दिन याद हैं जब नाहल, नवनीत,विशु शॉप वालों से ही जॉब करवाने मे माहिर थे , तभी से हमें लगा ये दोस्ती के बहुत काबिल थे । थर्ड सेम में आकाश दीवान की ड्राइंग खूब भ...
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