Described as the 'greatest literary show on Earth' and the 'Kumbh of Litrature',the ZEE Jaipur Literature is a sumptuous feast of ideas.
Today has been a dream day at jaipur literature festival at Diggi Palace Jaipur for me. A dream came true to see Shashi Tharoor at front lawns with Ashwin Sanghi talking on keepers of the kalachakra and then Shashi Tharoor, Tishani doshi ,shuki kim & vivek shanbhag in conversation with Eric Akoto on Litro world series :India: The power of fiction at charbagh. Shashi Tharoor is a well known writer and politician but he is also a very very impressive statesman. His session was very crowded and i could not find a place and therefore heard him by standing in sun in a suffocating crowd but his conversation kept the crowd tied to session.
One question posed from among the crowd was very beautifully answered by him. The question was what is a writer's status in society ?
Beautiful reply was given by him that a writer in society is like that bird which is sent in a mine to assess the risk for man for entering in mine. If bird survives then it it safe for man to enter in that mine. Similar is the status of a writer in society ,he enters deep into society and assesses the healthiness of society.
Then it was at samvad on the book " Behind my scenes" by Italian ambassador to India Lorenzo Angeloni and he briefly told about this novel which is about choosing of career over her love due to being posted at different places by a woman.
He also explained how a novel is a window to society.
Also a heart touching session on Bayan:In Testimony ,with Chitra Mudgal and Nasera Sharma in conversation with Nand Bhardwaj.
The day has been a memorable one with so many things to learn and so many things to see,feel and experience.
अगस्त 84 एडमिशन ,रैगिंग हुई भरपूर, अभिमन्यु भवन तीर्थ था ,आस्था थी भरपूर। खिचाई तो बहाना था ,नई दोस्ती का तराना था, कुछ पहेलियों के बाद ,खोका एक ठिकाना था । भट्टू ,रंगा ,पिंटू ,निझावन ,मलिक ,राठी , सांगवान और शौकीन इतने रोज पके थे, रॉकी ,छिकारा ,राठी ,लूम्बा भी अक्सर मौजूद होतेथे । मेस में जिस दिन फ्रूट क्रीम होती थी, उस दिन हमें इनविटेशन पक्की थी। वह डोंगा भर - भर फ्रूट क्रीम मंगवाना, फिर ठूंस ठूंस के खिलाना बहुत कुछ अनजाना था, अब लगता है वह हकीकत थी या कोई फसाना था ।। उधर होस्टल 4 के वीरेश भावरा, मिश्रा, आनंद मोहन सरीखे दोस्त भी बहुमूल्य थे , इनकी राय हमारे लिए डूंगर से ऊंचे अजूबे थे। दो-तीन महीने बाद हमने अपना होश संभाला, महेश ,प्रदीप ,विनोद और कानोडिया का संग पाला । फर्स्ट सेमेस्टर में स्मिथी शॉप मे डिटेंशन आला ।। हमें वो दिन याद हैं जब नाहल, नवनीत,विशु शॉप वालों से ही जॉब करवाने मे माहिर थे , तभी से हमें लगा ये दोस्ती के बहुत काबिल थे । थर्ड सेम में आकाश दीवान की ड्राइंग खूब भ...
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