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Birthday with saplings

Friends today I have turned 53. I am celebrating my birthday on the date of birth of modern field Hockey.The modern field Hockey is born with formation of the Hockey Association in England on 18th January 1886.
This date is also the birthday of American engineer Ray Dolby. who was the inventor of noise reduction system known as Dolby NR . He helped develop the video tape recorder and was founder of Dolby Laboratories.
     It was a beautiful day and somewhat foggy after almost 15 days, which I consider as god's gift for my birthday. it is a great reminder of How thankful I am for all the beauty I have in my life .Thanks to all for being a part of this great feeling. I feel very blessed to have each and everyone of you as my friends.
  Today I started my day with planting two saplings in my work premises .which is a beautiful grid of rrvpnl and had some beautiful time sharing with my staff with their greetings.
     Thereafter ,I completed much awaited pending work of getting lifetime membership of my batch alumni Association of my great alma mater( NITK ).This alumni Association is a registered society under government of Haryana for noble cause in the field of health primarily .I humbly submitted my subscription along with membership form by courier to the president and request the president to accept the same and oblige me.
   In the evening I wish dine with my Hon'ble  father- in- law and my all time well wisher  and would seek blessings from father -in -law and mother -in- law.
      Now it is time to acknowledge thanks who have spared their  valuable time to send good wishes to me on my birthday .I am acknowledging with names with humble pardon if someone has been left:-
    1- Those who called  on phone:-
       Dr Rakesh Bhatia, Mr Mahendra Ranga ,Mr Sachin Arora ,Mr Raghupati Shivaraman and Vinod Goyal.
2-  Those  who posted videos on Facebook:-
   honorable Shri Narayan Bareth saheb,BBC Jaipur and Raghupati Shivaraman.
3- those who greeted with address Mohan:-
Mr. Ashwini khillan, Prem Singh ,Amyansu deb,  sangita gupta jain and Anurag jagota.
4- those who greeted with the address Mohan Nath Siddh:-
Mr manish bhatnagar ( special thanks for discharging the duty of admin well at 00:01 sharp/ achha admin Dharam nibhaya bhai), Tushar seth,jayaraman,manish tandon,vinod mittal,Sridhar,A K Gahlot,rakesh raju,chetan singla ,dev kumar (special thanks for using hindi),D sengupta,rajesh aggarwal and jaspal anand (special thanks for tippani on my gyan).
5- those who address as Mohan bhai ,siddh bhai or siddh for greetings (this gives more feeling of langotiya yaar)  while greeting:-
Mr Ashwin banga,Ramkrishna chandurkar,suyog set,anil kumar dhiman,sachin arora,vishu,vinod goyal,badrinath,Debasis das,rakesh goel,rajesh wadhwa,rajiv nayar,anand sahi,Vikas Bahl,bijoy and Anil negi.
6- those who greeted with sticker is is Mr Partho.
7- those who greeted with the title of Rajasthani sher is Ch. KP Singh.
8- those who greeted asking number of Springs seen. Manisha Shah (the flying lady ).it is 53 for her knowledge.
9- Those  who wrote on my Facebook timeline include Mr Rajeev Nair Raghupati Shiv Ravan Alok Mehta ,dalbir Singh Ji ,Ajay Pratap Rathore, Sanjeev Sharma ,Rakesh Raju ,Bhim Singh Mahal Sahab ,Nikesh Jain( admin of Delhi NCR chapter), Kapil Kanodia& Ashish Bhatia.
10-Those who greeted me by message through messenger include Mr Harinder Salwan.
   I am thankful to all of you with my deep sense of heart for your kind wishes .


  1. Nice gesture Mohan.....janmdin par aur logon ko sudh Hawa mein saans lene ka prabhand karna wakei kaabil-e-taarif hai

  2. Nice gesture Mohan.....janmdin par aur logon ko sudh Hawa mein saans lene ka prabhand karna wakei kaabil-e-taarif hai

  3. Thanks a lot Amyansu da and prof Richa.


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