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Visit to Tigers Place

I have been on a sudden trip to the area resided by Edward Jim Corbett from 26 to 30th with my son by road via Faridabad where I had a night stay at Mahesh Garg place.Thanks to Alok for invitation to see his place and fish farms but due to shortage of time could not be possible.
I reached Ramnagar on 27th Dec.2021 around 05:30 PM and received warm welcome by our batch tiger Anil Negi.
Next morning i.e. on 28 th Dec.our site scenes started with the excursion on the Koshi barage. Then visited the temple of goddess Garjia, this temple is situated between the river koshi.The water in river koshi is very pure and transparent. Each boulder in the depth of water may be counted without any effort. Then went to Dhikala range gate and viewed the Corbett museum .
A light and sound show on jungle and its habitat was the main attraction there.
Had lunch at a restaurant and and went to see the house where Jim Corbett spent his life in India before leaving for kenya . Now this place is also a museum of belongings of Mr Edward Jim Corbett in original forms.
Purchased two Books as souvenir and took some clicks.
The 29th of Dec 2021 started with big cat safari from 06:30 AM and had 2 hours safari ride in Bijrani range with tiger Negi. We could see Monkeys, sambhars, kakars and langoors only. At one place jeepsy stopped and people whispered that there is a call" Call is monkeys cries on the movement of a tiger" but this was not true, actually the monkey had caught cough and so he was trying to clear his throat. I too could copied that sound of monkey. That was a fun for me.Seeing of different kind of grass and greenery full of voices of different birds , running streams of water in the jungle and shawal trees thick wood were main points of excitement. The standing journey on kutcha routes across the jungle gives very thrilling feelings in journey. The safari is also not so expensive at Corbett .it is only 5K per round for a jeepsy where upto six persons in the group can travel.
After breakfast at restaurant of chhole bhature went to see the farms and gardens of the Ramnagar including Anil's own farm. That at present was sowed with wheat and hundreds of mango, litchi and gooseberry trees. One has to keep a lath in the hand while roaming in the negi's garden as the presence of panther is frequently observed there, therefore we collected a lath from negi's farm store room. One generous neighbour of negi's farm Mr. Balam Singh arranged sugarcane sticks for natural farm taste of sugarcane.
In the evening walked through the market of Ramnagar and what caught the eyes was the clean environment of the city. There is no garbage dumps in the city even in the thickly populated piggy roads. Thanks to the dwellers of the city and there awareness for cleanliness. 
In the evening tasted the 'Thadi' speciality of ramnagar which is made from wet singhada pulp and is called 'singhada kachri' . Singhada kachri is very heavy with butter as full cakes of butter are used in it. Those having poor digestion should only taste a bit. I have been the victim of food poisoning after eating it and had to have two days fast. Anyway in the evening tasted Raj Kachori and Gajar ka halwa at Kundan's. Kundan's is a famous old sweet shop with modern amenities in the town of ramnagar.
On 30th morning after having a good interaction with Anil's parents and Anil I started my journey to Naini Tal. Here it will be an justice to my journey description if I would not talk about the Saroj auntee,Anil's mother.
She is very caring, sharing and an open heart and lively person. Her skills of seeing the things and expressing them in her own version is unique and what I have seen first time in my life in any person. I thank her for her constant care and suggestions. 
On the way to Naini Tal saw the steep mountains on one side of the road and deep downs on the other side which were very scary for me but the running clouds below the roads and deep downs filled with these clouds were amazing experience .Near khurpa Tal there were beautiful terrace farming fields.At naini lake enjoyed boating and left in the evening for Jaipur.

Nathmal ki feeni 
Milan ke papad 
Pursumal ke bhujia
Pasand ayenge shartia


  1. Thanks Sidh bhai for giving us feel of wonderful places visitrd and hospitality of The Negi. As usual your descriptions simple and straight from heart.


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