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My Haryana Visit

I had been to haryana wef 03-11-2020 to 12-11-2020 for some official work at Sonipat ( Bhuvnesh ka shahar).
In the journey I had an opportunity to met with Sh. Vijay Mohan Jain in his office at Rohtak . He is working as commissioner , GST there. He made me feel very homely and given a warm welcome with jalebi and samosa and created a RECK intimacy on 3rd Nov.
The hotel accommodation at Cozet, Sonipat was good and the owner was a businessman -cum- politician . He finally became a good friend of mine. He was an Ex- Chairman of Sonipat Zila Prishad ,Mr. Raj Singh Dahiya. The special thing I have seen during this visit in haryana is "Tau Devilal Parks " in each city. I had a regular morning jogging at the "Swatantra Sangram Memorial Park " on Bhalgarh road from 5:30 hrs to 6:15 hrs . One big industry of Atlas cycle of Sonipat is now the tale of past. This was a big employer here.
In spare times from work I visited Murthal's Sukhdev Dhaba and Garam Dharam Dhaba. At garam dharam done some "jaatitude " by taking pics on jeep , with truck etc. There I felt very homely.
One afternoon Kurukshetra was visited and had a stroll along Braham sarovar banks and had some clicks. Then received my B.Sc.Engg.Electrical degree with the thought, support and vote from Mr. Chandana and Vinod Mittal brothers. The degree was awarded by Mr. Chandana, Mr Gyan Bhushan(Dean Academics) and Mr. Vinod Mittal. Mr Chandana and Vinod Mittal arranged 2" fat bread pakoras and milk cake from third gate which touched my soul. "Inki Bahut chalti ha yaro reck me ".
In return journey again had a small stopage at Rohtak at Mr. Rajesh Verma's place. Rajesh impressed me with his sober nature and well established set up. Rohtak's Rewadis are very tasty. Specially from "Gulab".
Still I am cherishing the crunchy sweet amazing taste.
But without our full batch Kurukshetra did not give much feel good. It is friends who create feel good not the place.
I am presenting my feelings about kurukshetra visit without you there in
a poem below. Hope you will like that.

जब -जब मैं हरियाणा जाता हूं
मेरे शांत मानस पटल पर
यादों की आहट होती है
धुंधली यादों के साए में
एक हल्की गर्माहट होती है।

हरियाणा की हरियाली में
भंवरा बन कर मैं डोलूं
साथी पुराने जब ना मिलें
तो रास्तों से ही सनद ले लूं
रास्तों पर जब कदम पड़ने लगते हैं
तो मेरे शांत मानस पटल पर
यादों की आहट होती है।

गुजरे लम्हों को दोहरा सकें
यह प्यास कौन बुझा पाया?
मात्र आशा-कुसुमों से
यहां माला कौन पिरो पाया?
फिर भी किरमिच रोड पर
जब - जब मैं चलता हूं
मेरे शांत मानस पटल पर
यादों की आहट होती है।

नॉलेज ब्रिज' पर जाकर लगता है
'रेक' को साष्टांग प्रणाम करूं
वहीं से‌ पुस्तकालय देख - देख
सोचूं फिर जवानी में उड़ान भरूं
पर हाथों को 'टुटोरिअल नोट' विहीन देख
मेरे शांत मानस पटल पर
यादों की आहट होती है

मैं अब अजनबी सा
क्यों पुराने रास्ते तलाश करूं?
यूनिवर्सिटी के हॉस्टलों के पीछे
कैसे मैं आवाज करूं?
फिर भी सीनियर्स का खौफ
जब आंखों के सामने घूमता है
तो मेरे शांत मानस पटल पर
यादों की आहट होती है।।


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