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Showing posts from November, 2018

आलोक से कितना आलौकित में

5 साल का सफर, एक दूसरे से बेखबर, कभी मैस,कभी कॉमन रूम, आमना- सामना होता था, बस निकलते ऐसे थे, जैसे प्लेटफार्म पर होता था। समय बदला, अंदाज़ बदले, जगह बदली, काज बदले, सामाजिक अभिव्यक्...

एक रवायत

दूर तक चलने वाली एक रवायत है तुझ में, टूटी हुई बेसहारा लोगों की आशाएं हैं तुझ में। वादियों में गुंजायमान बुलंद आवाज है तुझ में, सर्दी-गर्मी-वर्षा में न रुकने का संदेश है तुझ म...

☇power freak

I never heard of anyone boasting that he was a station engineer .There is  nothing any dashing or swashbuckling about the life. He   casts down or casts up whole columns  first with a pen and then with cement and iron.    He plays nothing but tricks to save his skin in meetings  and sings only "shayaris" when he is tense . He marries sedately and after the first heat of youth. But he is a good fellow and a pleasant chap to live with and makes a happy woman of his wife. Unlike public servants ,he can not assert his dignity as an individual by a certain brusqueness of manner. A little sycophancy will be necessary. he will  ,for instance ,find it advisable to juggle adroitly with the weather. If a higher officer says, it is fine morning, why then it is fine morning, though the sullen thunder storms are piling up for a Niagara. How agreeable a partner for the life must be the man, who is little asperities of character, have been so rubbed into sm...